Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Can  I just tell you how excited  I am about my life?  There is so much crazy going on in it but I am so deeply and genuinely happy.  I can only say "Thank you GOD for all your goodness to me". Some people would look at my life and think there's nothing to be happy about.  A broken marriage.  Split custody of my youngest son.  Recovering from breast cancer.

But let me tell you, God has sustained me and refreshed my soul during these struggles and trials.  So much so that I can sincerely say that I am happy in my life.

In addition to sustaining me and refreshing me He has planted seeds in my heart and mind and is stirring in me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and try something new.  Doing the same thing over and over again creates a rut.  I don't want to be in a rut because eventually if you stay on that path you wear it down and it because a valley between narrow deep walls and it threatens to overwhelm you and swallow you whole.  That is not how I want to live.

As the plan becomes clearer and  I move in active obedience to God's leading I will share more.  In the meantime please know that God's grace and goodness is a precious gift He wants to share with everyone.  The creator of the world knows YOU and EVERYTHING that concerns you.  Give it over to Him and see how much lighter and freer you feel.

Praying blessings over you and your circumstances.

Much love,

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