Thursday, September 3, 2015


God is so amazingly good to me!!!

Work is chaotic and overwhelming and I am short on magic tricks to make it all better.  Yeah, I know, that doesn't sound like God is watching and moving but trust me, He is.  Work is a big part of our daily lives so when it's chaotic and just downright nuts it can really negatively impact our attitudes and that can spill into other areas of our lives and cause splash damage on other people.

Today I look at the chaos and I see God's love because in the midst of the messes, I see that He has been laying the groundwork to bring me to a place that peace and joy and contentment come from.  A place where I can bless others instead of helping to spread stress and angst. 

Today I am in a place where the chaos doesn't scare me.  It cannot overtake me.  It cannot have any negative impact on me unless I allow it to.  I have the choice.  I can keep my eyes fixed on God or I can look at circumstances.  God is bigger than my circumstances.  He knows every detail of what I face and the choices I make.  He plants seeds of hope in me. 

I am a huge podcast fan.  If you pick up my phone you will see it's loaded with podcasts from church, (mine and others) and from people I admire and respect.  Topics range from last weeks sermon to starting a business from scratch to cellulite.  The reason I share that is because the people on those podcasts are strategically placed there because they love God and He breathes into their lives so they can share.  That's who I want to learn from.  They inspire me. 

He also uses people around me to help keep me grounded.  I have some pretty incredible people in my life and they support and encourage me like I have never experienced before.  Having people in your corner that cheer you on and help you expand and fine tune your dreams can lift you far from the chaos. 

I know God has me planted where I am for a reason.  Often times I have forgotten that and let the stress of the constant chaos and turmoil smother the love He has birthed in me for other people.  I can be mean and snarky and not thoughtful of other peoples feelings or the impact my words have.  I can't change yesterday but I can change the next interaction I have, and the one after that, and the next one too. 

So, when you're in the middle of stuff that threatens your peace and contentment and tries to steal your joy, take a deep breath and raise your eyes towards God and ask Him what's up.  What does He want to birth in you or grow in you that you're not seeing because you're too close.  Ask Him to speak through you instead of letting the words you would like to use about how unfair this is or how rotten you were treated. 

I'm learning.  Every day I get to choose.  I hope I choose Jesus more and more often.

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