Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Learning is a beautiful thing.  It helps people expand their horizons and then their futures.  I love to learn and have since a young age.  By age 5 I had my very own dictionary because I wanted to write, all the time and was constantly asking my mother how to spell words.  She decided it would be better for me and I would remember them better if I had to look them up.  She would help me connect the sound to the letter and then have me look.  After a little while she would just look at me and say "Joyce Adell, you know what that starts with.  Try for a few minute then if you're still having problems I will help you."  Oh how I loved that dictionary.  I still have it to this day, 4 decades and some change later.

My mom knew that she could keep giving me the the words/spelling but until I had to look it up and apply it I wouldn't truly own it.  Now I spell incredibly well and don't need to because spell check catches almost all my mistypes without me thinking about it.

The point is if you love to learn, you have to come to the point where the rubber meets the road and you start applying what you've learned.  If you take in and take in and take in and never apply it, then you are the dead sea.  No one wants to be the dead sea.

I think the fun in learning is putting things into practice.  I am trying to do that as much as possible in this season.  I have been listening to podcasts and taking business courses and reading business books.  It's time to start implementing what I am learning.  It's time to spread my wings.  It's time to apply what I have learned in goal setting and time management to get everything done I need to get done each day.

Stay tuned. Big things are coming.  I'm dreaming big and changing my days.  Might even change yours too.


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