Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Can I just say that I am really, really excited about the direction my life is going?  I am taking steps to make the life I want to have.

My goals are ahead of me and I want nothing more than to start reaching them.  I have to remember though that I can't do it all today.  I need to take a couple steps today and tomorrow and the next day and if I take enough steps and am consistent then I will achieve the success I desire. 

I know me.  I know I dream big then either get overwhelmed by the size of my dream and end up cowering in a corner in fear of the size of it.  OR I dream big and don't see results right away so I give up on said dreams. 

I'm tired of giving up.  I'm tired of cowering in the corner. 

I deserve better.  My children deserve to learn better.  They deserve to be motivated to dream big because they see me living my dreams.  They deserve to live a life free from fear of failure.  They deserve to be encouraged to try.  If they fail, so what?  Get back up and try again.  And again.  And again.  The same applies to me.  Yes I have failed in the past.  Yes I am sure I will fail again in the future but I am done giving up and instead I am going to keep getting up and keep moving forward.  If I take 2 steps forward and get knocked back 1 every time, that's okay because I'm still making progress. 

What would you do if you thought you couldn't fail?  Or if you thought you might fail but could have a redo on?  What's holding you back from doing that thing?

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